Antartikaraya@blogspot - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has defended Muslim minority country `nil, says that Islam is part of the language of people calling for an end to discrimination and anti-Muslim, The Daily News proclaiming vehicles locally.
"We have every interest in, saying that Islam is a part of the language of 'We, and the state, inviting Muslims to judge What we have accomplished in the Western World," Schäuble told THE latest edition of political magazine Cicero.
He said that religion, faith, democracy and universal human rights are all equal.
Schäuble's comments followed the uproar caused by a Minister Yang, New Interior, Hans-Peter Friedrich, Yang said that Islam does not have a history in Germany.
Germany possess BETWEEN 3.8 and 4.3 million How Muslims, make up about 5 percent of the overall language especially Method 82 million population, according to the study outlines * Organized government.
Then in October, German President Christian Wulff said that Islam is part and bandage Dari German Society alongside New Article ATB beliefs Religion Christianity and Judaism.
ALSO However, Germany has been growing Muslim presence ON dispute recently initials, a New Article The heated debate about Muslim Immigration Into, `state nil.
Kontrovresi nil has been fueled by the Central Banker Thilo Sarrazin, which accused the immigrants to be less damaging intelligence Communities as Muslim immigrants nil.
Meningmbang German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that multiculturalism has failed in Germany.
A recent poll by the initials of the University of Münster found that German Muslims view more New Articles negative way the language of the `ON Before European neighbor countries.
Daily News Der Spiegel had warned in August that the `state nil then becoming intolerant towards its Muslim minority.
Schäuble asks immigrants to integrate Into, German Society.
His appeal is nil Come In, responding to a call by the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan month then SHARE Turkish immigrants in Germany to learn Turkish before German Culture.
Erdogan has criticized the policy-policy ALSO Germany asked the Foreign orangutans to ignore culture and their native language, triggers disputes in `European countries.
ALSO However, Schäuble said that ia not worried that Turkey will cover their children the language of the German Society.
"When looking at the Andari WHAT A Young Women From Families oriented language traditions, especially What they accomplished on the resistance side of the family language, and power in the WHAT IS Yang, Young Generation nil, Andari be amazed - and feel pleasure," ia said.
Until 2010, the ADA an estimated 3.5 million orangutan language originated from Turkey Who Lives in Germany.
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