
Monday, September 17, 2012

Duqu Virus Spread Through Microsoft Word

CALIFORNIA - Duqu, a computer virus that may be created by the same agency with Stuxnet reported to have spread. According to a report, Duqu infection spreads with the help of an infected Microsoft Word document.

Based on this research, Trojan exploits a previously unknown vulnerability embedded in Word files. Thus, allowing Duqu to modify a computer security protection.

Reported by the BBC, Thursday (3/11/2011), Duqu code is believed to have been designed to gather intelligence from industrial control systems. Meanwhile, Microsoft has prepared a software patch to resolve the issue.

Laboratory of Cryptography and Systems Security (Crysys) Budapest University, reported the discovery of Duqu linked. "We are very careful analyzing forensic data, from the original incident as Duqu was discovered," said study leader, Dr. Boldizsar Bencsath.

According to him, they found a suspicious file and then analyzed further. Bencsath said, "In one case, we were able to prove that the file contains Duqu installer using zero-day exploits."

Exploitation of a zero-day threats by utilizing computer software error, previously unknown to allow an attacker to gain secret access rights.

Bencsath added Duqu likely also be installed in other ways, but this time he found no such evidence.

In addition, the Internet security firm, Symantec has confirmed Duqu infections in six different computer networks owned by unidentified organizations in eight countries. These countries, other antaral Iran, India, France and Ukraine.

Duqu compared with last year's Stuxnet attack, but Symantec said they operate in two different ways.

"Stuxnet spread as far and wide as possible to pursue a system that can pass on control of industrial organizations, such as nuclear power plants," said the director of Symantec's security strategy, Greg Day.

Meanwhile, Duqu specifically targets a number of organizations to find and scan all internal systems, as well as gather intelligence and pass it back


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