Antartika Raya-Apple has officially announced the invitation to the media for an event on October 23. They were not told in detail the contents of the event, but most likely the launch of the iPad Mini and MacBook Pro 13-inch Retina Display.
However, in addition to the two devices, there are other devices that can be introduced by Apple. Another device is the new third-generation iPad is equipped with a thunderbolt port. Besides Ligthning expected to use existing ports on the iPhone 5, the latest version of the iPad will get an extra. These extras are likely Apple A6 chip embedding.
Rumors about the news was first obtained by 9to5Mac. Site specifically preaching Apple product and SKU numbers to get a list of tablets that will be introduced on October 23. Based on the list, they said the bottom of the mini iPad, while the rest is the iPad version has been updated.
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