Antartika Raya-It only took three months for the Google Nexus tablet 7 being the best selling tablet in the United Kingdom. According to one retailer, Carphone Warehouse, this tablet is still less in demand with Apple's iPad. However, compared with Android tablets like the Galaxy Tab or Asus Transformer Prime property, it sold more tablets.
Chief Commercial Officer of Carphone Warehouse, Graham Stableton said it was shocked by the high demand for the Google Nexus tablet. Especially in the near future will enter the Christmas celebration.
Cheap price of 159 pounds, or about 2.and specifications are no less sophisticated, making this tablet so attractive to consumers. In addition, in the mainland United Kingdom, there is no serious competitor of the tablet.
But in the near future, this tablet will get a serious challenge Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet. However, at least until recently, Google and Asus will earn revenue from the sale of Google's Nexus 7.
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